When I first heard
about Pigs in Blankets I think the name sounds quite cute. I also found it has reginal
variations like in the US the term refers to hot dog wrapped in dough pastry
but in the UK it refers to sausage wrapped in bacon. Pigs in Blankets are also commonly
seen at Christmas table, they are classic Christmas side dish that you can
simply buy it from supermarkets but it’s also simple to make it at home. I don’t
think it requires any complicated cooking skills, all you have to do is to wrap
sausage in bacon and leave it with oven. Here is how I made my Pigs in Blankets, I used
caramelised onion sausages so they already tasted quite flavourful, this is one
of the most easiest recipes that you can’t fail.
-4 caramelised onion
sausages from The Jolly Hog.
-4 thinly slices
smoked streaky bacons from Waitrose.
(You can surely use any sausage and bacon of your choice.)
To make sauce mixture:
(Equal parts of soy sauce and honey.)
-1 tbsp soy sauce.
-1 tbsp honey or
-A few rosemary.
(Plus additional to garnish.)
-Preheat oven to 180°C-200°C.
-Wrap sausage with
bacon each, place on a baking tray and season some oil on top, cover with cling
film and cook in oven for 6 minutes at 200°C.
-Flip each sausage
over and continue to cover with cling film in oven for cooking a further 3
-Pour the sauce
mixture and rosemary in, stir well and send it back to oven (without cling film)
for another 10 minutes until golden.
-Top with more rosemary.
(I served with Brussels sprouts and some redcurrants.)
當我第一次聽到培根捲臘腸有個「豬包毯」(或毯包豬?)的名字覺得甚是可愛,雖然超市的架上常看到這項食材,不過因為曾有一位朋友跟我說過她在瑪莎買的豬包毯非常不OK(朋友是個對難吃食物很寬容的人),加上我一直覺得英國臘腸口感怪怪的,於是我好像就從來都沒有想過要買豬包毯來吃。後來是買了Jolly Hog的某款臘腸,肉質口感不僅扎實且嚼勁十足,而且吃起來帶有甜味,吃起來跟台灣香腸極為相似,於是我就想說乾脆拿它來自製豬包毯,再怎麼樣應該都會比超市現成的好吃吧?做法也很簡單,基本上就是拿培根來把臘腸捲一捲、送進烤箱烤一烤就完成了(期間翻面一次跟拌一次醬汁),這個據說是聖誕節餐桌必備的經典配菜,但我覺得拿來配白飯應該也很好吃。
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