Christmas Treat Idea : Strawberry Santa Hat


I believe this isn’t a new thing, have had made it for Christmas a couple years ago, you can simply slice strawberries and decorate these Santa hats at different ways, swap with other ingredients, these would all give them different looks. It’s simple and below is how I made it. I also advised some substitute ingredients so you can easily create your own version at home.


𝐈𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 :


-Whipping cream, here I used Arla Lacto free cream.


-Pastry tartlets : you can bake by yourself from the scratch or use pastry ready rolled sheets to make it. I used Sainsbury's the butter sweet pastry tartlets which saved me a huge amount of time. Alternatively, you can use banana cubes, marshmallows, or brownie cubes as substitute. As long as strawberries can stand up on the plate, you can even choose not to have any base.

-Sugar balls and snowman sugar decoration both from Sainsbury's (optional.)


𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐝 :

-Slice the leaves end of strawberry to make it able to stand up on the plate, then slice the tip off to make a hat and set aside.

-Place sugar, whipped cream in a mixing bowl, whisk until the cream reaches stiff peaks. (The cream should be very cold, chill the mixing bowl if you have time.) Do not over-whip, otherwise it will turn to butter.

-Spread the whipped cream on pastry tartlet, place strawberry base, add more whipped cream for Santa’s face and beard, put on strawberry tip, then finish with a sugar silver ball as hat’s pom pom.

-Decorate with sugar snowman.


今天來分享一道很簡單的聖誕甜點,基本上只要草莓跟鮮奶油就可以完成,依複雜程度可以自行用塔皮當底座,我是直接在超市買現成的,省去了很多烘培時間,如果還是覺得麻煩,用香蕉或棉花糖當底座也是可以。然後我本來自己有調了巧克力醬 (而且還參照了妞仔的擠花小紙袋技巧),想要裝飾聖誕老公公的五官,但試畫了兩個覺得看起來太災難,決定還是直接放現成的糖雪人就好。

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