Silky Steamed Eggs with Clams 蛤蜊蒸蛋

Steaming is one of the easiest and time-efficient cooking methods for sure and today I have cooked another steamed dish which is so easy to achieve for quick lunch! I followed the recipe from to make this super soft, custard-looking steamed eggs with clams; it’s SO SMOOTH with briny taste of clams. The ratio of water and egg is 2:1 and I think one important key to achieve this smooth texture is to filter egg liquid through a mesh strainer and remove all visible bubbles on the surface. The prep and the whole cooking process are simple and quick, you can also add other seafoods of your choice or any other ingredients (spinach or mushrooms) to create your own version.



-15-17 cleaned clams

-2 medium eggs (about 100 cc)

-200 cc still water (or you can use chicken stock to enhance flavour)

-A pinch of salt


Other ingredients

-Soy sauce

-Sesame oil

-Chives to garnish



1. Put cleaned clams into a boiling water, once they slightly open, transfer to another bowl and set aside.

2. Whisk the eggs and mix with water, season with salt.

3. Filter egg mixture through a mesh strainer, use a teaspoon to remove any remaining bubbles on the surface. This step will help produce a delicate smooth egg texture.

4. Place clams on a shallow serving bowl, pour the egg mixture and steam for 15 minutes, ensure the lid is not fully covered, this is to prevent producing honeycomb-like result over high heat. (When time is up, leave it for a further 3 minute to cook through.)

5. Drizzle soy sauce and sesame oil, garnish with chives, then serve immediately.

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