Sesame Bottoms 芝麻底煎餃

Who doesn’t love Crispy Bottoms? I mean, you gotta love it! Making dumpling skirt/wings is always my favourite cooking way when having pan-fried dumplings but today I am showing you another tip to enjoy a golden crust...with sesame seeds.


I first saw this idea from Clerkenwellboy's post and I know I had to make it. These sesame seeds on bottoms actually looked so gorgeous, they’d taste good with beautiful nutty flavour and satisfying crunch, I absolutely loveed it and will be making them more often. Just SAVE this and give it a try later!



-Gyoza or dumplings of your choice (I use frozen prawn gyoza)

-Plain flour and water to make a thin batter.

-Sesame seeds.

-Spring onions and chillies (optional) to garnish.



1. Dip the gyoza or dumpling bottom in batter, then coat with sesame seeds.

2. Heat sufficient oil in a non-stick pan over medium heat, add gyoza in a single layer and cook until bottom begins to brown.

3. Flip and add water to cover around 1/4 of gyozas’ height, cook with a lid until water has evaporated. (About few minutes.)

4. Sprinkle with spring onions and chillies, serve with a dipping sauce.


Watch my Reels to see the tutorial!

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